Frequently Asked Sauna Questions

Can you lose weight in a sauna?


Is it healthy to have a sauna everyday?

There are many benefits of having a daily sauna if you can fit it into your daily schedule. If you are well then benefits can include improved circulation,  increasing metabolism, an improved immune response, helping tired and stiff muscles and also detoxification. If you have a health condition then it is important to check with your Medical Doctor to be sure a sauna is beneficial and also how often .because you will detox in a sauna it may be best to start having a sauna once a week then twice a week and gradually get down to daily.

How long should you stay in a sauna?

In general, 15-30 minutes is a good time to stay in a sauna. Initially 15 minutes would be ample time and slowly build up to 20 -30 minutes. It is a good idea to drink water in the sauna, so you don’t become too dehydrated. If you feel like you have been in too long, it is important to get out and get some fresh air and have drink of water

Does a sauna help detox?

Because saunas make you sweat, you will flush out toxins. A sauna can be a great adjunct to a detoxification regime.

How many times a week should I use a sauna? ?

You can use a sauna as often as you like. Daily saunas can be good but many people find 2 -3 x weekly is a good regime which is manageable timewise.

What is the best sauna temperature?

This is different for different people. Some people like it really hot and others don’t. Also, some people get a sweat up easily and others need longer and a higher temperature to induce a sweat. Of course, it can also depend on the size of the sauna and if you are in the sauna alone or with other people.

In general, for infrared saunas 110 – 125 degrees F is a good temperature range

For wet saunas 150—190 deg F.

Those are just guidelines and it is best to set a temperature and see at what stage you feel that it is giving you the most benefit. If you get too hot you can open the door and let some cool air come in. Always leave the sauna if you feel too hot and cool down gradually.