A sauna is a great place to relax your muscles of stress and enjoy other health benefits. Time spent in one is a pleasant experience that you will always look forward to.

There are however, many claims that sauna sessions contribute to weight loss. That sounds like a good cheat if it’s true. Imagine having a wonderful time relaxed in a sauna and burning away calories at the same time without any rigorous work. Is it really possible to lose weight in a sauna? That sounds too good to be true, but maybe it is not.!
How to Lose Weight in a Sauna?
Spending time in a sauna will temporarily reduce the water content in your body. The high temperature induces heavy sweating and causes what is referred to as water weight loss. If you measure your weight after a sauna session, you might notice a minor reduction in weight, however, it is temporary. You will gain it back whenever you eat or drink anything.
A more permanent weight loss occurs with regular sauna use when the more subtle health benefits kick in.
Tips on Sauna Weight Loss
Regular use of a Sauna, along with healthy lifestyle choices increases the ability of your body to lose weight
- High Temperature can Help you Burn Calories.
Similar to engaging in regular exercises, heat increases the heart rate and helps the body burn calories. As your body returns to normal temperature after the sauna, the process uses energy which in turn burns calories.
- Sauna Helps Eliminate Toxins
When you sweat in a sauna you eliminate toxins along with the water. Toxins stored in the body increases your body’s ability to produce and store fat and makes it harder to lose weight. Therefore, the more you can sweat out toxins the easier it is to lose weight. As your body detoxifies it allows the liver and lymphatic systems to function more effectively allowing a better clearance of future toxin exposures.
- Sauna Can Increase Metabolic Rate and Aid Blood Circulation.
As your body heats up significantly or cools down there will be an effect on your metabolic rate. Temperature changes can increase your metabolic rate and the affects last longer than the duration of the sauna.
- Ease Stress and Relax
After a hard day or week at work, a session at the sauna is all you need to ease away stress, pent-up tension, and frustration. This will help you relax and clear your thoughts. The sauna can also induce a feeling of happiness by triggering the release of endorphins. The less stress in your body the easier it can be to lose weight because there are less stress hormones circulating in your body, inhibiting weight loss. Also, the less stressed you are the more motivated you may be to exercise and follow a healthy lifestyle.
- Regular Sauna may Increase Breathing Capacity
Regular sauna use has been shown to increase the strength of the lungs and help those with many respiratory disorders. Increased oxygenation is not only beneficial for everyday health but may help with energy, exercise capacity and endurance.
How Many Calories Can You Burn in A Sauna?
Because everyone is different the ability to burn calories in a sauna can vary.

“A heat conditioned person can easily sweat off 600-800kcal with no adverse effects. While the weight of the water can be regained by rehydration with water, the calories consumed will not be” -Journal of the American Medical Association
There is however a general formula that many use to give an indication of calories burnt in a sauna.
CB = NC *1.5 (or 2)
CB is calories burned, and NC is the number of calories burned within 30 minutes of sitting or resting. NC varies per individual as it depends on each person’s bodyweight.
For example, if you weigh 125 pounds and burn 28 calories in 30 minutes, this formula implies that you’ll burn between 42 and 56 calories within that period.
Obviously, this formula in no way reflects the levels that may be achieved and the more efficient your body becomes through regular sauna use, the more calories may be used in the process.
Check out our Top Pics for the Best Home Infrared Saunas
How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna to Lose Weight?
Regular sauna use will significantly increase your ability to lose weight. It is better to use a sauna safely rather than stay in for long periods of time hoping it will increase your weight loss. This is likely to have a more detrimental effect on your body.
A sauna’s average temperature ranges between 100oF and 140oF. An average user or new user should not spend more than 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how the body reacts and the type of sauna you visit. Some people can comfortably do 30-minute sessions. But we recommend that you don’t stay for too long. Take your leave if you start to feel lightheaded or any other discomfort.
Exposing yourself to extended sauna sessions will only increase the risk of dehydration, resulting in even more severe health problems.
Regular safe use of a sauna is a great adjunct to a weight loss regime. Let’s look at how to make it an even more beneficial experience for losing weight.

How to Make Sauna Effective for Weight Loss?
A sauna session alone is not necessarily enough for weight loss if you combine it with an unhealthy lifestyle. The best way to obtain your desired results is to combine sauna sessions with a regular workout routine.
Here are some tips that will help you get the best out of the sessions:
- Create a routine of post-workout sauna sessions. After moderate intensity exercises, visit the sauna, relax and rejuvenate your muscles. Some gyms have saunas, and that makes it even much easier for you.
- Schedule a sauna session at least two times a week if you can’t visit daily.
- Do not quickly opt for long-minute sessions as a starter. Begin with short courses of about 5 minutes and gradually increase the time as you spend more regular time.
- Drinking cold water after sessions can help you burn more calories and stay hydrated at the same time.
- Weight loss is neither dramatic nor sudden (except for illness or drugs which are dangerous). As a result, do not overtax and burn yourself out in the gym and sauna, trying to speed up the process.
- Include healthy food choices in your diet, avoiding highly processed foods. Keep foods simple, focusing on healthy protein and plenty of vegetables. Drink plenty of water.
As you adopt and stick to these routine tips, you will begin to experience a noticeable reduction in weight.
A sauna offers an amazing compilation of health benefits while being beneficial for losing weight too. However, its efficiency is reliant on other regular workout and lifestyle routines.
The ability to lose weight in a sauna are only enhanced with a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.
It should not be considered as a quick fix solution to weight loss but certainly can help the process significantly and achieve so much more for your wellbeing, in the process.